Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Practice News Story 9: investigative

Posted: 4:50 p.m., MST March 28, 2007

AFRICA- Some of the most powerful people in the world are descending on Africa with much needed aid. Bill and Melinda Gates, and Ted Turner stepped off a private jet in a town in Africa, with big goals and even bigger hearts. All three met with local officials to discuss what is known as a program to help save the African people. The Gates and Turner, along with other millionaires, are reportedly starting an enormous financial endeavor to help the World Health Organization in its campaign for disease eradication, which is one of the primary goals of the Gates foundation. The mayor of the town where the meeting took place, Malik Ok said that this new endeavor will greatly help his people. But he did say that it was not going to be a long-term stay. Bill Gates later said one of his main goals was to “empower” young children with better education. He also said that they envision “educational institutions” throughout the continent


Elizabeth G.W. said...

Nicely done. Griffin says hi. He says you had an outstanding job. Good use of quotes. A couple punctiuations erros.

RULE said...

Wow...I really enjoyed the FLOW...short and sweet...informative and yet clear to understand..good job!